The LIGRC holds a Golden Retriever match show every June. This is where puppies and adult dogs that have hopes of becoming show dogs, are exposed to the show world. It is a place where the dogs are socialized and get the experience of being in a ring with other Goldens. This is a fun competition, where more experienced people will help inexperienced people.
There is also an all-breed obedience match show where handlers can bring inexperienced dogs to test their skills in a show environment.
Long Island Golden Retriever Rescue uses our event to showcase the dogs that they have adopted out and the adoptive families. If you are interested in adopting a rescue dog or learning about showing your Golden Retriever and doing obedience with your dog this is the place to come. Our club members will be more than willing to steer you in the right direction. See our events for dates, time, and more information.